On 21/12/2018 12:44, Thomas Cox wrote:
I am having a problem in removing a "editorial" remark I entered on a Event relating to a ancestor.  I cannot seem to remove this unwanted entry from PDF reports that are prepared for viewing.  I have gone through as many steps that I can think of to erase this note but have become frustrated at every turn.  There has to be some input screen that I have overlooked.  I sure would appreciate any advice on how I may proceed to remove that entry. And if it requires a email exchange with someone who can help I would be most grateful.

If you enclose the "unwanted" text in Privacy Brackets it will not appear in Reports. [[Put 2 square brackets each side of the text like this.]]

Jenny M Benson - http://jennygenes.blogspot.co.uk/
Wrexham, UK


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