
Do you know where you entered that comment/editorial remark? If so select that event from the ancestor's event list and click the edit button beside the list of events.

Select the text/comments tab.
Below each of the text and comment entry boxes is a check box about including the text or comment in reports. Remove the check box from the box with the editorial comment and it will no longer be in any of your reports.

Brian Kelly

On 21-Dec.-18 7:44 a.m., Thomas Cox wrote:
Good morning,

I am having a problem in removing a "editorial" remark I entered on a Event relating to a ancestor.  I cannot seem to remove this unwanted entry from PDF reports that are prepared for viewing.  I have gone through as many steps that I can think of to erase this note but have become frustrated at every turn.  There has to be some input screen that I have overlooked.  I sure would appreciate any advice on how I may proceed to remove that entry. And if it requires a email exchange with someone who can help I would be most grateful.

Thank you in advance.

Thomas Cox


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