>From the lack of attention to the many who made them the company they once 
>were, it is a sad day.


From: LegacyUserGroup <legacyusergroup-boun...@legacyusers.com> on behalf of 
yp0uzqxoy...@opayq.com <yp0uzqxoy...@opayq.com>
Sent: Monday, January 7, 2019 7:06 PM
To: legacyusergroup@legacyusers.com
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Mapping Function

Chris Hill, the retired IT Guru can probably answer your question about 
Legacy’s Unicode capabilities, but as he said in a previous post, the 
underlying database is simply and Access table(s) which based on version has 
varying degrees of Unicode abilities.

When editing an Individual’s Information, the is a small vertical bar to the 
left of the data fields that allows you to add “special characters”; perhaps 
your u-double-acute.  You can select various character sets, but I don’t need 
it and would find it cumbersome if I did.

I for one could not abide MyHeritage.  I have a fairly capable computer with 
two SSD drives and a discrete graphics card running Windows 10 64 bit, but 
MyHeritage runs like molasses on it, and I finally removed it.  Plus, I’m not 
paying for another program, especially one that has all the symptoms of an 
early beta.

Legacy is a nice program, though it could use a cleaner interface, and I think 
in general, Millennia attempts to take care of its customers, but this very 
lengthy period without mapping is not endearing.  It is critical when selecting 
or finding accurate locations.

Should they fix the latest bugs introduced in .269 and bring a capable mapping 
function back, I’d be willing to upgrade to a version 10 if required.  Please 
don’t start any rumors about a new version.  I have no knowledge of one, nor 
any insights into what Millennia is working on.

Mark Trevithick

3rd generation Coloradan who’s left the once magnificent mountains to the 


I am wondering whether this problem with the new Bing interface is related to 
the problem of Legacy not being able to accept data which uses Unicode 
characters, which most programs in this 21st century can, even Windows Notepad. 
I have raised the Unicode issue several times with Legacy in the past and have 
been told that it is because of the underlying database they use, and would 
require a major re-write of Legacy to fix, so, is unlikely to happen.

Legacy is an excellent and very capable genealogical program, but, unlike other 
popular genie programs, has this major weakness of not being able to support a 
wide range of characters in the data you enter. For example, I have ancestors 
in Hungary, but cannot enter names and places with their correct spelling 
because the English-speaking version of Legacy will not accept Eastern European 
characters, such as u-double-acute. It will accept only characters from the 
Western European character set. (Legacy versions in other languages would 
accept characters in their language of course, but only from the one respective 
256-character set ("code page"). But this is only one aspect of not being able 
to operate in a Unicode environment.

So, are we going to get a band-aid mapping facility, or is Millennia/MyHeritage 
going to bite the bullet and fix Legacy properly for the 21st century, or are 
they going to eventually fob us off on to MyHeritage's Family Tree Builder? At 
least that program can exist in a Unicode environment. Millennia's "Customer 
Service" certainly leaves its loyal users in the dark. Very sad. Come on 
Millennia, take your loyal users into your confidence - you might even end up 
losing less that way, if that's what you're scared of.

If you want to be totally depressed, check out this admittedly 2017 in-depth 
review of Legacy's situation:
Let's hope she's wrong.

Peter Matthews
(Grumpy Old Man on soapbox)

At 12:27 06-01-19 -0500, Ronald Bernier wrote:


"Mapping will not be coming back in its current form. The developers are 
working on something new. Legacy’s platform is simply incompatible with the 
new Bing API.

I am closing the comments."

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