
I don't know if you are trying to add a double date or a range.

If a range, enter 1665-1666 or better use either between 1665 and 1666 or from 1665 to 1666. If it's a double date you need the day and month as well and you need to set Options-Customise 5.4 and note it can only be set for the one change date.Then you enter your date in New Style and for dates from 1 Jan to 24 March, Legacy will add the double date. Yes Legacy will give you a new total but possibly not until you have closed and re-opened Legacy. Also make sure you do File Maintenance - Check/Repair and sometimes Compact File. Note the RINs are not changed and whether abandoned RINs are reused depends on your setting at Options-Customise 4.4 so don't confuse highest RIN with number of people. I prefer to just unlink people I've added in error. That helps me not to go down that rabbit hole again and I haven't lost that work if I discover that they fit somewhere else.


Marina via LegacyUserGroup wrote:


I read all your emails regularly but have not yet come across this
problem which I think  I am having. when i write on the profile a date
such as 1665/66 the programe immediately amends the date to 1666 . it
will accept 166?.
Also if I have had a flight of fancy and added someone who is not mine
when I delete this person does Legacy recalculate and re number my
grand total of tree members.
Thank you Marina




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