
Did you also test the date to date format which is allowed as a valid range entry format according to the Help file on Date Ranges?

If you do you will find the Legacy is NOT using From Date to Date, the sentence will read "5. 15 Sep 1813 to 9 Nov 1813 he attended , , New York, United States. He was substituted for a man drafted at Cherry Valley, Otsego, New York by the surname of Thomas. Asa was a private in Captain Ezra [or Levi] Adams' Company of New York State Detached Artillery, in the regiment commanded by Colonel E. H. Metcalf. He was drafted at Cherry Valley, Otsego, New York 14 Sep 1813. Marched from Cooperstown, Otsego, New York to Brownsville on Black [River], New York. He was honorably discharged at Brownsville, NY 9 Nov 1813. His discharge certificate was burned when his home burned.". In your test the From is part of your date entry.

Brian Kelly

On 06-Aug.-19 4:41 a.m., Cathy Pinner wrote:

I used your event sentence as given.
I've just done it again in as I used the beta this morning.
It's fine in both the preview and the report PROVIDED you've entered the date in the format <from date to date> and you've put your sentence
[fromDate] [HeShe] attended [Place].[Sources][CR][Notes].
In the Sentence spot for Date and Place only AND haven't entered a Description. You have to modify the other sentences as well if you are sometimes going to add a description to this event and sometimes leave out date or place.

>From the Family Group Report (I'm using the Sample field and used the existing Military event and changed the date and the Event Sentence Definition.
5.  From 15 Sep 1813 to 09 Nov 1813 he attended New York, United
      He was substituted for a man drafted at Cherry Valley, Otsego, New York ...


Jenny M Benson <>
Tuesday, 6 August 2019 4:32 PM

But are you using [Date] in the Sentencetyping "from 26 August 1907 to 18 December 109" or using [fromDate] in the Sentence?  I am using [fromDate] and that apparently doesn't work for Brian, either.


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