The issue that Chris is discovering is that the Hint icon other than on Family View or Pedigree View may be out of date. Requests for hints are only sent from Family View and Pedigree View and it looks as though the hint icon on other views has a considerable lag. I'm not sure when they are updated.

The quickest way to force an update for the icons, if you must use them on Index View or Name List, is, I think, to turn off the column and then turn it back on (in Index View this is by customising the columns) which forces it to get the information again from the hints database. I don't usually have a Hint column on Index View but did have one and renewed it by switching to another saved set of columns and then back to a set with the Hint column.


Chris Hill <>
Tuesday, 22 September 2020 12:57 AM
Hi Gillian

You might want to read this post, which I have raised on the Legacy Facebook page.

I am just back to my master PC, the other was on my laptop, and still running at v339. This works with my looking at my fathers hints with no problem. Looked at my cousins hints, with a hint searched record that was quite old, probably from 2019. That gets this error the first time, looking for it from the index

{"statusCode":400,"error":"Bad Request","message":"Invalid cookie header"}

Switched to the individual view and tried from there, and got the Loading Hints... display. Looking at the http request, they are both the same except that the erroring one does not have the last field for _k=

Looked at the hint record and it was old. Checked the Hints processing monitor and it showed a few waiting requests. Waited for these to clear. The hints flag disappeared from her record and then reappeared a couple of minutes later, with a current last searched date. This one does work, but note that the first field, which I assume is the individual, has changed.

I assume that the partnerid identifies either me or you.

So, I think that there is a problem with old Hints records which have not been researched recently and might contain out of date information.




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