On Tue, Feb 19, 2008 at 09:39:00PM +0100, Frederik Ramm wrote:
> 2a. It is likely that some people are overstating their intent, i.e.
> they threaten not to re-license their data, hoping to influence the
> decision-making process in their favour, but when a decision is made
> it remains to be seen whether they really want their data to me moved
> to a dead end.

Right, but it can't be good for the motivation for said person
to be railroaded into releasing his work as PD by the OSM project.
I am such a person. While I might accept to release my work to the
PD, I would certainly not be happy about it. I find it quite
likely that this would have a negative aspect on my future

> 3. Any loss, be that from (1) or (2), is mediated by the fact that we
> don't have to *delete* that data; we can keep it in a separate
> database instance and allow read access to it so that if someone needs
> data for a region where people have not accepted the new license, he
> or she still has the option of retrieving the old stuff under CC-BY-SA.
> (It is likely that such a database would be made available by someone
> anyway because for some uses the CC-BY-SA terms may be favourable.)
> We would just not continue updating it.

I have a hard time imagining how this data stays useful. You use the
words 'dead end' above yourself. Who would invest any amount of
time in trying to actually do something with that database if it
is guaranteed not be updated?

And in the interest of NPOV I think you should also take into account
the AND data. It is a substantial contribution by a single party
with important commercial interests in keeping map data out of PD.

> I find it unacceptable of the Foundation to make the assumption that
> the loss of data when going ODC (or some other copyleft license) would
> be significantly greater than the loss of data when going PD. I also
> find it quite harsh to speak of a "loss" because the data is not lost,
> it just cannot be copied into the new database and thus not modified
> any more.

While I agree it is not certain a move to PD will cut away more data
than a move to ODC, I think 'loss' exactly describes what it is as
in : that data loses its value (as in usefullness) nearly immediatly.

cu bart

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