
> We can never exclude that kind of thing. Person X is fed up
> about traffic passing his house : just delete that road on
> OSM.

Correct. We can also never exclude someone copying map data from  
Google. It's a matter of what stance we, as a project, take, and as  
long as everybody agrees that willfully entering false data is a bad  
thing that should be corrected if possible, then that's fine with me.  
This would include that we expect of each other to either fix such  
easter eggs where we see them, or bring them to the attention of the  
wider project membership so that it can be fixed by someone else.

If people get the impression that they can mess with the map and talk  
about it, and all they get is a chuckle from the community, that  
would be bad. If I say on the mailing list that I'm copying street  
names from a copyrighted map (or that I know a number of items that  
have been copied thusly), then I'll be told in no uncertain terms to  
stop that. I would expect the same attitude towards the insertion of  
easter eggs.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ##  N49°00.09' E008°23.33'

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