Frederik Ramm wrote:
> That's my problem as well. We are not much better than other owners of
> geodata. They say:
> 1. Geodata is very valuable and takes a lot of work to collect and
>    those who do all the work should be the owners of the data and
>    dictate under what rules it may be used;
> 2. So we charge an arm and a leg for it
> And we say
> 1. Geodata is very valuable and takes a lot of work to collect and
>    those who do all the work should be the owners of the data and
>    dictate under what rules it may be used;
> 2. So we give it away free of charge but force everyone using our 
>    data to comply with our license.

But you must at least recognise that "we charge an arm and a leg for it" 
is by no means the only restriction the other owners put on. They put on 
a whole load of restrictions on what you can use it for. We, on the 
other hand, make it free-as-in-price and don't put any restrictions on 
what you can use it for.

I know it suits your argument to make this parallel, but I really don't 
think that it's very close, objectively.

> It's unfair somehow, isn't it - we take PD stuff, put it into OSM,
> make it more attractive to a point where nobody wants to use the
> original PD stuff any more - everyone is more or less forced to use
> our version that comes under our license. 

Hang on... aren't you there admitting that Share Alike communities work 
better than PD communities? After all, if PD communities worked better, 
why is there not a thriving PD project working on the TIGER data?

> (I find it morally questionable of us to do this but it is undoubtedly
> legal. Some Copyleft advocates even manage a smile when they tell me
> that I'm free to collect data under PD but of course they'll gobble it
> up under Share-Alike and not give anything back - "You're asking for
> it".)

Er, but you are, aren't you? That's _precisely_ what you want to allow 
people to do with your data.


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