
Joseph Gentle wrote:
> I don't understand the use case for people passing off my work as
> their own.

I don't either. But trying to force *anything* onto your users means 
that you cannot let go of the data - you're then automatically entering 
this whole license swamp because where you make demands you also need a 
stick to enforce them:

"I grant you a license to use this for whatever, BUT should you ever try 
to pass this data off as your own, THEN this license is void and since I 
am still the owner of the data I will then revoke all your rights under 
this license and threaten you with EVIL THINGS..."

See, you can only enforce anything if your data is *not* PD, if you 
still reserve the right to withdraw the license from people who misbehave.

> "Independent of the author's economic rights, and even after the
> transfer of the said rights, the author shall have the right to claim
> authorship of the work and to object to any distortion, mutilation or
> other modification of, or other derogatory action in relation to the
> said work, which would be prejudicial to the author's honor or
> reputation."

If you intend to uphold this, then your PD repository is likely to 
become less free than the original OSM data set which, at least in the 
curren ODbL draft, waives this right.

> Note that this does not say people can't change or mutilate your data.
> It just says that the mutilation won't be attributed to you.

I don't read it that way. The author can object to certain treatment of 
the work if that damages his reputation. Not "the author may choose not 
to be mentioned in connection with the work if someone decides to use it 
in conjunction with human excrements for an art installation" or so ;-)


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