On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 2:03 AM, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:

> Hi,
>    until recently I was under the impression that with the "Produced
> Work" freedom we would finally be able to create, say, a map that
> combines content from other "copyleft" licenses like CC-BY-SA-NC or GFDL
> with OpenStreetMap content.
> Not so, it turns out; the "Produced Work" freedom allows us to combine
> OSM data *only* with other data whose license does not prohibit the
> addition of constraints, because ODbL mandates that we add the "reverse
> engineering leads to ODbL licensing" rule.
> So, while using OSM data together with commercially licensed data, or
> together with CGIAR "no commercial use" data, or together with some
> "academic use only" data to form a Produced Work is possible, I still
> cannot use OSM data together with data from a CC-BY-SA-NC source (for
> example) because CC-BY-SA-NC prohibits the addition of the "reverse
> engineering" clause.
> Can this be alleviated somehow?
> I can see that, theoretically, allowing even the smallest bit of our
> database to get out without the reverse-engineering clause attached
> *could* lead to the database being re-built under a different license,
> piecemeal, by someone, somewhere.
> But I do not think this can be an issue in practice (too much work
> involved).

I can imagine a scenario where, for example, Google uses Amazon's Mechanical
Turk to pay lots of people to use Map Maker to trace from OSM's rendered

This is similar to the approach used by us to trace from Yahoo! imagery, and
look at the results we have achieved.  It is very feasible.

> Also, even if someone managed to somehow re-assemble today's
> planet file smuggled through some reverse engineering loophole, such a
> one-time act doesn't get him far; he would have to implement the whole
> thing as a continuous process to profit from changes and updates to OSM
> - and if that should really happen then we can simply use our licence
> upgrade super powers and write a clause that prohibits exactly what he
> is doing without affecting legitimate other users.
> Maybe we can establish a slightly more pragmatic rule that opens up the
> possibility of making Produced Works from OSM plus other copyleft
> licenses. (I'm prepared to point the finger at them and say it's your
> fault that users cannot mix yours and ours, but I would much prefer to
> simply have a good solution that works for everyone instead of pointing
> fingers.)
> Bye
> Frederik
> --
> Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"
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