On Mon, Mar 02, 2009 at 08:08:58AM +0000, Peter Miller wrote:
>> I do not read the ODbL this way. I read that only persons bound by the 
>> license/contract are prohibited from reverse engineering.  
>> Clarification here is needed.
> When we find an issue like this then lets document it on the wiki and  
> move on to the next topic. We have identified at least two so far, 1)  
> When is a 'DB and derived DB' and now 'what licensing applies to  
> Produced Works and how does the 'no reverse engineering' clause work  
> with PD images.

This sounds like brushing the issue aside, putting it in the neverending
inbox to deal with “at some point”.  I’d prefer people carry on
discussing issues, here _and_ on the wiki, and in the comments of the
licence draft.  The more the issues are recognised, the better the
chance of having them dealt with.

A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a
simple system that works.—John Gall

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