On Mon, Mar 02, 2009 at 01:40:47PM +0100, jean-christophe.haes...@dianosis.org 
> * Waivers : thankfully I cannot legally waive my moral rights in my
> country, but I think it is unfair to require this form any person in the
> world.

While I agree to collective attribution, I share some of this sentiment.
It may just be ego, but I like to be credited for the work I have done.
It gives a sense of purpose, and something I can take pride in.
Thankfully I don’t think this will disappear just because of this
section of the ODbL.  User data is stored in OSM, and as far as I know
there has not been any suggestion of removing it.  If all identifying
data was removed, it may actually hurt OSM because it would be harder to
track down and deal with breaches of others’ rights.

There is one thing in moral rights that I don’t feel should be waived
where it is applicable: The right not to be falsely attributed for

A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a
simple system that works.—John Gall

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