Gervase Markham <gerv-gm...@...> writes:

>>Can the manually located postboxes, based on OSM data and a list of
>>postbox street locations from the Royal Mail, be added to OSM?
>Yes. But have you checked with Matthew Somerville, the author of that 

He says that as far as he is concerned the data is in the public domain, but
some OSM users disagreed, so he didn't upload any data back to OSM.

>I did the whole of N14, and 
>added it to OSM, and it showed up in the tool as done. (But perhaps he 
>hasn't yet implemented integration in the other direction...)

That's right, it is currently in one direction only.  Now that the legal 
has been cleared up, I'll ask him whether he wants to hack up a live feed back 
OSM, or else provide a data dump so others can load it.

Ed Avis <>

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