Hello, I have a license / attribution question. I am evaluating 
whether or not to use OpenStreetMap data in my commercial 
application. The question I have is mainly one of attribution. My 
customers are television stations. My product will be used on air. 
The mapping is not the core focus of the this particular product; 
more of a value add type of feature. 

My question is what type of attribution is appropriate? I have no 
problem informing my end-users where I get the data. More than 
happy to do that. However, do I need to attribute while the 
application is used on-air? Screen real estate is precious on a TV 
screen. Plus, some clients are un-easy about attribution during the 
broadcast. Attributing during the credits roll at the end of the 
broadcast would be doable I suppose. Anyway, I want to do what is 
right here. So, do I simply attribute in the app and let my TV 
users know I'm using OpenStreetMap data OR do I need to attribute 
on-air? I could easily add an OpenStreetMap attribution in the 
splash screen and about box.

I've read archives, posts, etc. - where/when/how much attribution 
seems to be a gray area. Any guidance would be appreciated.

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