On Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 9:45 AM, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:
> Hi,
>    until now, most of us (I believe) have viewed the ODbL's "Produced
> Works" concept as relating to something like a PNG image made from the
> OSM database. A map tile, if you will.
> I wonder what other forms of "Produced Works" there are. What, for
> example, about lists? If I produce from OSM a list of all bakeries in
> London, with addresses, and put that up on a web page - is that more
> something like a PNG image (a Produced Work), or is it already a
> database excerpt (a little Javascript magic might allow you to sort the
> table or to filter out certain elements - certainly characteristics of a
> data base)?

Pass. I'll leave that to someone else to comment.

> If the latter - would things be any different if I offered the list  (a)
> not on a web page, but as a PDF document which has less database-like
> capabilities, or (b) in printed form?

The distribution mechanism has got nothing to do with it being a
database, as far as I know. The law works on a much more abstract
basis than that. The definition of a database from the EU directive is
"a collection of independent works, data or other materials arranged
in a systematic or methodical way and individually accessible by
electronic or other means". So I could arrange pebbles on a beach to
represent the binary encoding of planet.osm.bz2 (how many pebbles are
needed is an exercise for the reader) and that would still count as a


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