
Arne Johannessen wrote:
> Note that just rendering the OSM database in PNG format doesn't  
> necessarily create a Produced Work.

We have to be careful about the definition of "database" here. According 
to the legal definition of "database" which has been quoted here often 
enough, any PNG file made from OSM data would qualify as a database, 
which would render the whole concept of a "Produced Work" totally 
useless for OSM.

Thus we have agreed that we are willing to consider a PNG file to be a 
Produced Work unless - and I don't find the specific wording on the Wiki 
right now but I think there was something like this - someone creates 
the file specially with the purpose of transporting the database through 

In that light, I fail to see the difference between a PNG image that 
represents a list of bakeries in London (which you and Andy would say 
clearly is a derived database or a substantial excerpt) and a PNG image 
with a map of London and little bread symbols where there's a bakery 
(which we do not want to be a derived database nor a substantial 
excerpt, or else the whole ODbL Produced Works idea would fall over and 
be useless - for example we could not mix our map with data licensed 
under another license).


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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