
I contributed some nodes for all "historic=wayside_shrine" and 
"historic=wayside_cross" in our region. I use this on our association 
website to display "pins" on all those points. If the user clicks on 
such a pin, then a popup opens, showing a photo, where we have the 

I have the following below the map:
Data CC-By-SA by OpenStreetMap

The pin/popup data for openlayers is created as CVS in the following way:
- A cron job calls a script, which gets the nodes, I want, via XAPI from 
openstreetmap. Then the script checks our own database, which has a 
field with node-ids to connect the photos to the map nodes. The result 
is saved to a CVS file, which is read from openlayers. The image URLs 
are not part of the openstreetmap database. I could contribute the URLs, 
but I want to read them from our own database, as I don't want foreign 
photos on our website.

As I connect our URLs with the node data from Openstreetmap, the "URLs" 
(as text) should be CC-By-SA, but our photos are still our photos where 
we keep our copyright, right?



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