On 07/15/2010 11:53 PM, 80n wrote:

There's only one undeniable fact in this whole affair.  Exactly 100% of
all contributors have signed up to CC-BY-SA and have indicated that they
are willing to contribute their data under that license.

The OSMF vote is also an undeniable fact.

As is the fact that BY-SA doesn't apply to data. Such as geodata.

And that ODbL is, like BY-SA, a share-alike licence. That has been designed to apply to data.

So the facts are that we have a licence that doesn't apply, a licence that can, and a vote to see if people will make the necessary transition.

That is a clear mandate for CC-BY-SA.  Where's the mandate for ODbL?

At this point there's a mandate from OSMF and the voluntary relicencing will show whether there's a mandate from the community or not.

After more than two years of license-twiddling they still don't have a
clue how much support there is.

So let's find out by giving people the opportunity to use it.

- Rob

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