On Sat, 24 Jul 2010 11:59:52 -0400, Anthony <o...@inbox.org> wrote:
> How?

By acknowledging their existence and using them against themselves.

> Upgrading from BY-SA 2.0 to BY-SA 2.5 is trivial.

Relicencing derivative works is trivial. 

Getting the approval of every OSM user to approve a change of attribution
isn't. There are major institutional contributions to OSM that might not be
able to be re-attributed without great effort. And some people (mistakenly)
regard that attribution as a "right".

So changing attribution is comparably difficult to relicencing.

> Personally I disagree with that hallucination.  A mash-up is a
> work.  In fact, I'd say it's pretty much the quintessential example of
> derivative work.

I agree with you. But the community standards of OSM don't seem to.

- Rob.

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