On Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 7:55 PM, Matija Nalis <mnalis-gm...@voyager.hr> wrote:
> On Fri, 23 Jul 2010 07:05:02 -0700 (PDT), Richard Fairhurst 
> <rich...@systemed.net> wrote:
>> TimSC wrote:
>>> In that case, is it legally sound if I download my own contribution
>>> due, to database rights?
>> Difficult to say - I can see an argument either way. A database right
>> certainly exists and governs extraction from the database; but if what
>> you're extracting is exactly what you put in (with the trivial exception of
>> node ID renumbering), it's very very difficult to argue that any additional
>> rights have been created.
>> Regardless, restricting what you can do with your own contributions would be
>> such a blatantly unreasonable and unfair thing to do that I am 100% sure
>> OSMF wouldn't do it.
> 100% ? I'd never play with such numbers, not in HA systems, and much less in
> case where politics and "IP" laws might be involved :)
> Sure, they all might the great guys as of now, but suppose OSM becomes
> importatnt enough to big players, who says TeleAtlas or Google or someone
> won't get say new 1000 members in OSMF and have a strong majority of votes
> to pass any such thing? it's not like such things never happend (just
> rembemer OOXML ballot-stuffing at ISO when Microsoft managed to buy out
> majority of new country representatives just to get fasttracked)

That's why it is important to be at least minimally aware of OSMF and
the people and activities involved.  If you don't tell them what you
want, they can only do the things that you want by coincidence.

This appears to address Tim's concern.

"5. Except as set forth herein, You reserve all right, title, and
interest in and to Your Contents. "

Tim, does this address your concern?  Will you support the License upgrade?

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