Lars Aronsson schrieb:
The perpetual discussion over licenses is very tiring,
but I can put up with that. What I just can't tolerate
is this kind of argument that professional lawyers
have some absolute authority, that trumps every
contributor's opinion. I'm not saying that these
lawyers are wrong, but the argument that they are
correct because they are professionals is a stupid
kind of argument. It's like saying that professional
programmers wrote this software, so now we
can't ever modify it. Most people are involved in
free software and open content projects exactly
because they don't like being told such things.

If these lawyers told OSMF board to push totalitarian
authority as an argument towards contributors in an
open content project, then you should ask to get your
money back, because that would be useless advice.


Especially if the lawyers tell, that a loss of data
and so throwing away a part of the work of the
community is necessary for licence change I can't
tolerate this.


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