On Sun, Aug 29, 2010 at 8:59 AM, David Groom <revi...@pacific-rim.net> wrote:
> In the implementation plan under phase 4 it asks "Final cut-off. Community
> Question... What do we do with the people who have Declined or not
> responded?" [1]
> In order to speed up the final phases of the implementation plan, and in
> particular the move from "PHASE 4" to "DONE", would it be best to ask the
> above question now, rather than waiting till we get to phase 4 , and then
> initiating the community discussion?
> Alternatively, if this question has already been asked and decided, and I've
> missed it, could the wiki be edited so we know what will happen.
> Alternatively, if the response at the moment is "we don't know what we will
> do until we know how many people decline or don't respond, so we cant ask
> the community at the moment",  could we at least know what the options are
> likely to be?
> David
> [1]
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Open_Database_License/Implementation_Plan#PHASE_4_-_CC-BY-SA_edits_no_longer_accepted._.28Phase_3_.2B_8_weeks_subject_to_critical_mass.29

Part of this question is being discussed here [2] more as "what to do
with the data" rather than the "people".  As an open question I'm
surprised to see so little discussion on this thread so far.  It may
be that we're just waiting to see what the visualization tools look /
work like.  Still the question, what exactly to do in various
situations is interesting.  How does one decliner-changeset in the
middle of a chain of accepter-changestes effect the future data if the
decliner made one position change, and subsequent editors made further
position changes?

>From a purely "what to do with the people" point of view, I'd say the
"people" are driving that bus.  They'll decide to continue, or to
increase or reduce their participation.  Mappers do that every day.
The project has nothing to say about it.  Though after the license
upgrade, the decision to continue would be under the community-agreed
license and terms.

I'd expect "decline" accounts to be kept for historical reasons though
they would have to be deactivated from an editing perspective.

What do you think, David?

[2] http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/dev/2010-August/020124.html

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