
Anthony wrote:
Then again a PNG that
simply contains a coded version of the full database would certainly be a
database as far as we're concerned.

Why would it matter?

I think it is meant as an added safeguard against reverse engineering.

ODbL already says that if you extract the database from a Produced Work then what you get is an ODbL database, so even if someone encodes the full database into a PNG then releases that CC-BY, someone else who extracts the database doesn't gain anything (he doesn't suddently end up with a non-share-alike database). However it is even better if we have a theoretical means to stop people from distributing such special PNGs under CC-BY.

"If it was intended for the extraction of the original data, then it is a
database and not a Produced Work. Otherwise it is a Produced Work."


LOL, I hope you go with that definition.

Actually, I liked an earlier version better: "If someone makes something from an ODbL dataset and declares it a Produced Work, then it is considered a Produced Work." - It is refreshingly simple and doesn't actually open any loopholes because even if you took the full DB and put the PostGIS dump on a CD declaring it a Produced Work, someone who used it would fall under the reverse engineering clause.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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