On 16 September 2010 21:26, 80n <80n...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 8:25 PM, Grant Slater <openstreet...@firefishy.com>
> wrote:
>> This clashes with the legal advice giving to the Licensing Working
>> Group in that OS OpenData's license _is_ compatible with ODbL and the
>> Contributor Terms. Specifically section 4 of the Contributor Terms
>> provides a mechanism for attribution.
> Grant, who is giving you legal advice?  Can you quote (or paraphrase) the
> advice you have been given please?

OSMF's legal council. Sure.

In my own words and interpritation. LWG asked advice on the
compatibility of using data licensed under a) CC-BY and; b) OS
OpenData License (
) when a contributor uses that data to contribute under the ODbL +
Contributor Terms (
http://www.osmfoundation.org/wiki/License/Contributor_Terms ) , it was
added by LWG that section 4 of CT (as linked and worded) provide a
mechanism for attribution. Reply was that on b) explicit permission to
sub-license is granted by their license with the conditions that
required attribution is given and sublicensees keep said attribution.
With this response b) was seen as compatible. Under a) it was advised
there is an issue of sub-licensing. Asking source author for
permission to contribute under CT was an option; as was to keep
distributing said specific data under license. Item b) is still open


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