On 2010-11-28 21:29, Rob Myers wrote:
One concern some people have is that large datasets donated to or
imported into the project will either be unable to be relicenced or will
take several years to be relicenced.

Ok, but it seems that these aren't a big problem (except Nearmap/Australia - http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Import/Catalogue).

Would you argue that every user also donates a kind of database although he always adds just some parts?

Isn't the content the users provide just facts (at least the
coordinates, some tags could be questionable)?

Well the tags are an important part of the whole. :-)

Yeah, I know :-) But I would argue that even some of them are just facts (eg name of a street)

It's important to remember that OSM is an international project, and
that the law covering data and databases is much less standardized
internationally than it is for artistic works or software. How much
originality you need in a database in order to claim copyright over it
is an open question in much of the world (including America and
Australia, the two places where people are most adamant that it is
resolved). And then there's the database right.

I spent a few hours today reading about it :-).

That would alienate people and could lead to legal action.

Either would be a sufficient reason not to do it.

I'm with you. I just want to know what legal actions were possible. That doesn't mean I want to fight this fight :-)

Bye, Andreas

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