At 05:04 PM 6/01/2011, Richard Fairhurst wrote:

>Mike Collinson wrote:
>> given that at least one contributor has been pointlessly editing my 
>> personal contributions apparently so that they are no longer "ODbL-ready", 
>> sickly sadly all too possible.
>That's vandalism, of course. Could you share their user ID?


I'll let sleeping dogs lie for the while as said user has normally conducted 
themselves with personal courtesy to all.  I hold my breath that I have got 
entirely the wrong end of the stick and an August mass deletion of abutters 
tags, carefully ground recorded and entered when such things showed on the map, 
is meant to be replaced with imagery landuse digitisation :-)

>(Rather coincidentally, this was published today:
> )

What a beautifully apt cartoon!

I almost wish that Tobias Knerr's words earlier in this thread were my own:

"The Contributor Terms are clearly based on the idea that we are building
a database together. It's not just several people's maps sitting next to
each other, it's a collective effort, with no clear separation between
"my data", "your data" and "their data".
As a consequence, aspects such as the license are subject to collective,
not individual, decisions."

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