Hi folks,

this is my first post on this list, so kindly excuse if my questions are misplaced or have been answered before.

I am working on a project similar to OSM: The objective is to provide a free database with basic geospatial and meta data of airfields (coordinates, height, runway info, and radio frequency). I am thinking about a good license for that database and I found ODbL.

Question 1: May I copy and re-use the ODbL text for my project? Is the license itself free?

Actually I inherited the database after the creator passed away some time ago. Back then he told me that all data in that database is either from free sources or had been collected by contributors. However, he neither had/demanded something like ODbL's Terms of Contribution nor archived the cotribution postings. So I have no objective evidence for the data source.

Question 2: Under those circumstances, would you recommend not to add the data to OSM?

Thanks a lot for your help,

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