Frederik Ramm wrote:
> If, on the other hand, out of the black box comes a derived database, 
> then you can simply share *that* database and nobody cares what happened 
> in the black box, because you only have to share the last in a chain of 
> derived databases that leads to a produced work, right?
Am I allowed to declare my png mapnik tile as a "derived database", stick an
ODbL label on it an be done with it?

Then I don't have to reverse engineer my render to figure out if or if not
it produces an internal database and worry about having to maintaining a
snapshot of that database for ever and what legal consequences there might
be if my dog eats the backup, etc. I'd be back to the simplicity of
CC-BY-SA, i.e. that all obligations of the licenses are met within the work
I hand out itself and have no additional work (or worries) beyond producing
the product in the first place. 

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