Tobias Knerr <osm@...> writes:

>Altogether, it seems that ODbL does burden creative users of OSM with
>significant restrictions, even though in many cases there is no reason
>why anyone would even want that databases they are forced to share -
>because it will usually be much more practical to just use the original

That's true, but to be fair it does allow the final 'produced work' to be
distributed under any licence, where previously it had to be under the same
licence as the underlying map (CC-BY-SA).

Most of these concerns could be alleviated by dual-licensing under both ODbL
and CC-BY-SA.  Then, if you want to take advantage of the ODbL's provision to
make 'produced works' under non-share-alike terms, you can do so, although you
take on the burden of providing the derived database or the 'method' used.  If
you choose to work entirely within the share-alike world, then as at present,
you can use the CC-BY-SA licence without any worries.  Then everyone who is
currently using OSM will be able to continue using OSM, without any doubt.

Ed Avis <>

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