Frederik, I'm fully aware of JS motives and tactics and normally avoid getting sucked in to his endless threads.

But it was 2 am and I was just finishing tax returns and associated book keeping. John Smith is a tiny bit more entertaining than that and I needed a short break :-)


Am 07.07.2011 08:58, schrieb Frederik Ramm:

when discussing these things with the person who goes by the pseudonym of "John Smith", keep in mind that he is spending a lot of time building/supporting an OpenStreetMap "fork".

The forkers, as I like to call them, are driven by all kinds of motivations, the most benign probably being a sincere worry about data loss - they believe that the license change is going to hurt OSM so much that they must do all they can do retain a live copy of the "old OSM", or even dissuade OSMF from changing altogether.

Now if it turned out that the license change went through like a breeze, with very limited data loss that is patched up within weeks, they would become a laughing stock - like the prophet without the doom.

While they started out wishing OSM to suffer the least possible damage, their ego now forces them to demand the most rigid - even absurd - data deletion policies for the license change lest they look like idiots for starting a fork in the first place.

Needless to say, this interesting psychological situation is not a good basis for a rational argument.

Or, to say it with fewer words: don't waste your time.


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