Op 10-08-11 12:33, ce-test, qualified testing bv - Gert Gremmen schreef:
To all

It's all a matter of trust.

A) Trusting contributors and
b) trusting the users of OSM data.

The current policy of OSM is to trust nobody,
and therefore OSM(F) is seeking legal certainty,
by creating licenses and contributor terms.
Have you actually *read* the CT?
Trust nobody? The OSMF asks of its contributors that they only contribute stuf which they are allowed to. The OSMF promises that the collective will always be published with a free and open license.

Just for fun: try reading the Terms of Service of Google, to which you agree every time you use one of its services.
It will probably take a long time for those
seeking this way that it is a way without issue.

First because legal certainty does not exist in
a society where justice is dominated by (financial) power.
( see Dominique Strauss Kahn case for a recent example )
What has this to do with OSM?
Second because the legal certainty created by
the CT is uncertain because it is badly written, and one needs not be
a specialist to understand that; and the use of OdBl is so unprecedented
that we are completely unclear if it will hold in ANY case but the
Do you claim that CC-BY-SA does not need a specialist to understand it?
Third because we don't not have the financial means to maintain
the license in even the smallest case.
Like mentioned before, we're not maintaining the license. ODbL is maintained by Open Data Commons, whereas the CC is maintained by Creative Commons. Not the OSMF.
OSMF will probably go bankrupt on the first case against an
fraudulent user of the data.
Are you suggesting that with sticking with CC-BY-SA we don't have such a problem? (if we have it at all)

You ever read the story of the emperor's new clothes ? (=read CT)

I know the story. However, another story comes to mind with me. Ever read the parable of the ten virgins? It's about being prepared for what's coming. The OSMF is taking actions needed to keep the project running for years to come.



Oh, wait a minute... In a previous message you made it perfectly clear you don't trust me.... Why am I even replying ....

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