On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 6:53 PM, ce-test, qualified testing bv - Gert Gremmen
<g.grem...@cetest.nl> wrote:

>  As I do not agree with the CT  and did not click****
> the right checkbox, I have been blocked contributing access.****
> ** **
> OSM promised me that my contributions to be removed in the process****
> to OdBL.  That did not happen. ****
> Nor has a OdBL version of the OSM database been launched.

Gert, your contributions are being looked after at fosm.org.  You are
welcome to edit there and there's no threat of them ever being deleted.

> ****
> ** **
> OSM is still CC-BY-SA and it seems that that won’t change soon.****
> **
Sadly I think you are right.  The removal process was never thought through
properly.  OSM will be stuck with CC-BY-SA content for a very very long
time.  Expecting the crowd to go and re-map stuff wholesale, for somebody
else's benefit is just absurd, it's never going to happen.  Mapping is
addictive but pointless mapping is no fun at all.

So the only recourse is to do bulk deletions.  But I don't see anyone
hurrying to write the software to do that even if anyone could agree on what
it should actually do.

> **
> I think the decision to block my account and that of many****
> others has been a bit premature, and the community****
> should reconsider their decision.****
> ** **
> Especially now it looks as if the OdBl will never make it****
> for legal and practical reasons.


> ****
> ** **
> ** **
> Gert Gremmen****
> ** **
> ** **
> -----------------------------------------------------****
> [image: Osm]****
> Openstreetmap.nl  (alias: cetest)****
> P* Before printing, think about the environment.* ****
> ** **
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