
On 02/13/2012 12:53 PM, Simon Poole wrote:
While I've expressed my displeasure with every revision of the CTs after
1.0 for exactly your reasoning, I don't believe that the situation is
quite as bad as you paint it. Come April the 1st the only extra "string
attached" to data that is in the database should be attribution via the
Website. Which implies that further data removal would only be necessary
if we wanted to use a distribution license that didn't require any
attribution at all, which is extremely unlikely (not the least because
of the necessary data removal).

No, even after April 1st the following is entirely plausible:

- mapper contacts government asking for data
- government says "here, you can have that, but it may only be distributed under ODbL or CC-BY-SA, nothing else" - mapper contributes data to OSM without even *telling* us that there is this additional requirement (CT only require that the mapper makes sure data is "compatible with current license")

Any future license change to, say, CC-BY or GFDL3.15 or whatever would then require that data to be deleted, but we wouldn't even know that.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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