On 20/09/2012 09:13, Stephan Knauss wrote:
On 20.09.2012 07:32, Mike Dupont wrote:
How can a contributor import any data and keep the data open to
license change? How can you keep any imports at all from people who
have not agreed to the CT directly?
I agree with you in this point.

If we import donated data, it must be stated that OpenStreetmap can publish the data under ODbL or any other license as specified in the CT.

Could we create a special version of the Contributor Terms for data donations? So they could sign it. We could mail it to the OSMF to keep the records.

We certainly envisioned that possibility when we designed the contributor terms, though so far it has not proved necessary. Instead, OSMF can enter into an MOU. We've done that with the South African spatial directorate for example and there are discussions going on in Finland. I believe that in the case of AND Dutch data, we've agreed that we will notify them of any potential license change so thatany ramifications can be discussed. Henk Hoff may be able to give clearer information on that.

If you have any particular case, the LWG will be happy to work with you on it.


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