Am 05.05.2014 06:38, schrieb Rob Myers:
> But the license doesn't exist to collect data for OSM.
True, but our immediate, admittedly egoistic, interest is that we are
free to use any improvements (in a wide sense of the word) to OSM data
and that derivatives of OSM remain free.

> It exists to ensure that all the users (or in the terms of the license,
> all its recipients if you Use it Publicly) of that data, in combination
> with whichever other data and in whatever form and wherever they
> encounter it, are free to use it.

The licence is substantially more restrictive in what it effects
(original OSM data and derivatives of it) than you are portraying it. In
particular it explicitly allows combination with other data without
effecting the legal status of such. IF the ODbL had the effect you
attribute to it, then we would really have a problem (and likely OSM
usage would go through the floor).


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