Am 25.02.2015 um 10:30 schrieb Tobias Knerr:
> On 25.02.2015 09:51, Simon Poole wrote:
>> covers video, as outlined there they don't have to show attribution on
>> screen the whole time, doing something when a/the map is first
>> shown would likely be enough.
> Who is behind these unnecessarily restrictive rules about attribution
> popping up everywhere? It used to be that we simply had that general
> rule that we wanted attribution reasonable to the medium, which would
> definitely allow placing attribution into the credits for a video.

The text in question goes back to March 2010, I somehow suspect that
doesn't really fit the picture of "popping up". However even if it
didn't reach back to ancient times I would still point out that guidance
and expectations with respect to the licence is going to change over
time. Matter of fact if you had asked me in March 2010 I would have
likely said that being mentioned in the credits is good enough. Not so

> In my opinion, demanding anything more than a mention in the credits
> is excessive, considering how many other people and organizations only
> ever appear there. Of course it would be nice to get more, and we
> should ask for it. But it should not be a hard rule.

In the case in question, based on very little information, it seems as
if maps are an integral part of the production/story not just
decoration/accessories (were me might want to be less strict).

None of the three other players would waiver "on map/screen" attribution
just like that, two might be willing to for sizeable amounts of money,
the third likely not. We are not asking for anything extraordinary, just
for what is customary in the industry.

One thing is completely clear: a map without attribution is a google map
(even more so where the Travel Channels primary audience is located).


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