Am Mi., 15. Mai 2019 um 10:19 Uhr schrieb Shu Higashi <>:

> Thanks, Martin and Kathleen.
> I will let wikidata people know the operation as I described 1-4
> and tell them to be sure not to be engaged in "systematic attempt to
> aggregate"
> in order to avoid share-alike triggering.

from my understanding of the guidelines, if you proceed as described in
1-4, you will trigger share-alike. The geocoding guideline is explicit
about this:

If a Geocoder uses the OSM database to produce Geocoding Results and the
Geocoder is Publicly Used, then the OSM database is being Publicly Used
under the ODbL. * Individual* Geocoding Results are insubstantial database
extracts: *Individual* Geocoding Results that are based on a Direct Hit
contain an insubstantial amount of raw OSM data; ...

Consequently, if:

1. no modifications (or only trivial transformations) have been made to the
OSM database used by a Geocoder; *and *

2. *the Geocoding Results are not used to create a new database that
contains the whole or a substantial part of the original OSM database, then

the share-alike obligations of the ODbL are not triggered (per Section
4.4.b of the ODbL) ....

*If Geocoding Results are used to create a new database that contains the
whole or a substantial part of the contents of the OSM database, this new
database would be considered a Derivative Database and would trigger
share-alike obligations under section 4.4.b of the ODbL.*


there is also a definition for "substantial" in the context of Geocoding


A collection of Geocoding Results is not a substantial extract of the OSM
database provided:

1. only names, addresses, and/or latitude/longitude information are
included in the Geocoding Results, *and *

*2. the collection is not a systematic attempt to aggregate all or
substantially all Primary Features of a given type (as defined in the
Collective Database Guideline) within a geographic area city-sized or
larger. *


>From my understanding, wikidata is such a systematic attempt.


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