Just to be clear: you asked a question on an unmoderated, publicly
accessible mailing list on which everybody can voice their opinions
however unfounded they are or not, and now you are unhappy with that you
got a cacophony of conflicting opinions, which is exactly what you
should have expected.

The official guidance on geo-coding from the OSMF can be found here


Am 16.12.2019 um 03:18 schrieb matthias.straetl...@buerotiger.de:
>> Von: "Christoph Hormann" <chris_horm...@gmx.de>
>> The idea that your process of intersecting non-OSM data with OSM based
>> admin polygons results in a collective database is not realistic.  To
>> me this kind of operation would be a textbook example of something
>> generating a derivative database - you combine OSM data with non-OSM
>> data to generate something of additional value compared to either of
>> these data sets alone.  This is exactly the kind of scenario
>> share-alike is meant for and why it was chosen as license for OSM.  But
>> there are of course fairly strong economic interests for this not being
>> subject to share-alike so people think of ways to interpret the ODbL
>> accordingly.
> Okay, I'll canceld all plans to use OpenStreetMap for this task.
> I've contacted several commercial data providers and hope to get offers 
> tomorrow.
> I didn't expected OpenStreetMap to be such non-free and permissive :-(
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