I've been studying the OSM license terms, guidelines, community pages, FAQs etc. for a few days now, but I'm still unsure about some of the statements. So I hope for your experience and would like to ask the following three questions:
Question 1:
If I store calculated results based on OSM data in a database table (without the actual OSM data itself), such as the number of specific POIs, travel times, travel distances and so on - the database is then a collective database, a derivative database, a "produced work", or none of them?
I'm not sure, because I read about (https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/License/Use_Cases#Case_3:_I_want_to_publish_something_based_on_OSM_and_my_own_data):
"However, if you have any data that was derived from OSM - for instance because you used street names from OSM, or you geocoded your data using the locations of roads or building shapes in OSM - then you are making a derivative database."
But the Geocoding Guidelines says (https://wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Licence/Community_Guidelines/Geocoding_-_Guideline):
"the Geocoding Results are not used to create a new database that contains the whole or a substantial part of the original OSM database, then the share-alike obligations of the ODbL are not triggered"
Question 2:
Does the calculation of the above described results complies with the statement: "you geocoded your data"? Or is that not what the guideline means?
Question 3:
If I reference other data with the data from this result database, do I have to put the referenced data under the ODBL license? For the case that the answer to Question 1 would be collective or a "produced work"?
In case of derivative, I guess the database must be under ODBL...
I would appreciate any kind of help!
Kindly Regards
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