Hello, I have to unfortuneatly sell or part out with my wonderful iPod
video because i believe it has died. Yesterday my battery was very low
and i was playing songs in the car, so i plugged in my  car to USB
power adapter and plugged in my iPod and the screen suddenly went
blank. I unplugged it as soon as possible and tried all the reset
sequences i could possibly think of and can not for the life of me get
it to start up. I don't know what is wrong with it but here are all
the parts i have for it that hopefully somebody can make use of. There
is the black 30GB iPod, It's front plate is scratched up because the
friend i got it from a few months ago didn't believe in cases for
iPods... the screen was in perfect condition with no dead pixels or
discolourations, The back faceplate is in fairly good condition too
and the audio jack and hold switch worked perfectly. Also te hard
drive had no problems at all and worked perfectly and the battery had
previously been somewhat weak only running for about 5 hours. However
i am also including another 30GB iPod hard drive that worked well the
last time i used it (I had replaced a hard drive in a friends iPod
video only to find that the new iPod had the same song skipping
problem so it wasn't hard drive trouble)

I don't really know what to ask for this whole iPod with the extra
30GB drive, How does $45 shipped to the US sound? I will accept offers

Thanks, and sorry for the longwinded description.

-Daniel Bencze, Melbourne FL 32934, United States
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