Power Supply #1
API-9841-291 with pass thru power supply.

It has two minor issues that have no effect on its operation.
1) the power supply wiring was pinched where the optical drive sled  
slides in. The wires were not cut, but I don't want to sell it and  
have some who can't read have any complaints.
2) the plastic connector labled "P3" was pulled off for another power  
supply. The whole molex connector is intact, just not the safety  
cover. This can easily be taped to prevent a short, etc.

Power Supply #2

API-9841-291 with pass thru power supply.
Pulled from a Dual 450, fully functional...it just seems that the  
internal fan has seized up. I can include an internal fan from  
another supply that works.
I just don't have the time or patience right now to pull it apart and  
swap out the fan.

Any how, all that said...either supply for $20 each plus shipping  
(please identify which you want). Or both for $38 plus shipping.

Please include your zip code
with the offer.

Shipped from Waterbury, CT 06708

Paypal preferred.

Thanks again,
Rob Farrington

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