Norton SystemWorks Version 1.0.1 provides an integrated suite of
software applications that cover almost every aspect of keeping older
Macs (running OS 8.1-9) running smoothly, and fixing problems when
they arise. It offers a full range of disk and file maintenance
functions, allowing you to recover badly damaged disks, fix minor disk
and file damage, optimize your drive by defragmenting files and
applications, and recover accidentally deleted files. If the worst
happens, and you find that you can't even start up from your Mac's
hard drive, the Norton SystemWorks CD also works as a start-up disc
(boots using OS 9.1), giving you a chance to recover files and fix the
damaged drive.

Norton Utilities includes:
Disk Doctor - diagnose and repair damaged disks
Speed Disk - optimize/defragment a drive for fast performance
Unerase - recover files that have been accidently deleted
Volume Recover - resurrection an initialized or crashed disk
In addition to Norton Utilities, it also includes the Retrospect
Express backup tool from Dantz software and Spring Cleaning from
Aladdin Systems.

Power Macintosh
System 8.1 or higher
24 MB RAM required
20 MB hard disk space recommended (plus 40MB for third party products)
CD-ROM drive

NOTE - Should not be used on a hard drive containing OS X, i.e., a
hard drive with OS X and OS 9 on the same volume/partition.

CD is in Jewel case, and includes Serial Number.

$12 shipped within USA. Payment via PayPal or USPS money order.

Tom Calvert
Richardson, TX

100% positive on eBay. eBay name "macgallery"
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