I am the original owner of a GigaDesigns G4/1.8GHz (7A-1800U) Upgrade
w/512KB L2 Cache (original installation CD is included). It has been
running without incident in my G4 Sawtooth for several years. It has
been recently removed by a qualified Apple Certified Technician and is
ready for sale.

It is compatible with Power Mac G4 AGP Graphics (Sawtooth), Gigabit
Ethernet, Digital Audio, and QuickSilver 2001/2002 models. 7447A G4
Processors were tested & guaranteed by GigaDesigns for 1.8GHz

Discontinued and difficult to find, these processors will keep your
Power Mac competitive longer. This item is sold As-Is since I am not
doing your installation and can not warranty the work of others. It
ships fully tested and working.

Asking $250 O.B.O. with Insured Priority Mail Shipping to any USA
address. Worldwide shipping is available at additional cost based on
your location. Shipping generally within one business day of receipt
of your PayPal payment. I ship on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.

Email with questions. Photo available upon request.

Bob Esposito
Adamstown, MD 21710

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