I am the original owner of an Academic Version of Bryce 5 - that means
no manual was included in the retail box; however, manual and
tutorials are available free online. Original retail box with all
included contents for the Mac/Windows installation.

Create breathtakingly realistic 3D landscapes and animations with DAZ
Bryce 5 (I am aware of a Version 5.5 and 6 but do not know if these
item is upgradeable). Striking an optimum balance between power and
ease of use, this innovative software is an ideal way to integrate 3D
technology into your creative process. Smooth network rendering saves
valuable time by letting you render images on multiple computers. The
Light Lab gives you robust control over lighting direction, and the
Tree Lab ensures a more accurate depiction of real-world environments.
Plus, an intuitive user interface simplifies the design process.

    *   Operating systems  Mac OS 8.6 or later, 9.x; Mac Classic, Mac
OS X 10.1, 10.2, 10.3
    * Windows 98, 2000, Me, Nt 4.0 with SP6 or higher

It is still listed for $300 New Retail on Amazon and $78 Used.

Asking $60 O.B.O. with free shipping to any USA address. Worldwide
shipping is available but at actual cost.

Photo available upon request.

Bob Esposito
Adamstown, MD 21710

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