This case comes from a first generation dual processor machine, but I have 
personally installed an "early 2005" dual 2.3ghz in it without any problems 
whatsoever. The case has 4 small holes in the bottom (you can't see them 
without tipping the case upside down) The case is in very good condition, no 
real scratches or damage of any kind. It comes with all fans, clear air 
deflector and side door too. Does not have optical ribbon cable.... the hard 
drive data cables are there as well as power cables that run behind/underneath 
the logic board. There is no power supply or metal cover that goes over it.... 
Very nice case, ready for you to swap out parts from another machine... comes 
shipped in a sweet mac pro box w/foams.

75 bucks shipped via UPS ground to anywhere in the lower 48 states.
Jeff Engle
Kamiah, Idaho 83536

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