All prices include shipping to CONUS. Too high? Make me an offer!

Original OS discs - retail, not machine specific.
Mac System 7.5, boxed edition (w/box) CD install -  $20
Mac OS 7.5, CD only - $10
Mac OS 7.6, CD only - $10
Mac OS 7.6.1, CD only - $10
Mac OS 8.0, CD only - $10
Mac OS 8.1, CD only - $10
Mac OS 8.5, CD only - $10
Mac OS 8.5, boxed edition (w/box & documentation), CD Install - $20

AppleShare IP 6.3.3 500-client license, boxed edition (w/box & documentation), includes Mac OS 9.1, Network Assistant 4 administration, CD's - $25

OS X 10.0, Cheetah, CD only - $10
OS X 10.1 Puma, boxed edition (w/box & documentation), includes OS 9.2, Developer Tools & iPhoto CD's - $20 OS X 10.2 Jaguar, boxed edition (w/box & documentation) CD w/ Developer Tools CD - box is missing internal packaging - $25
OS X 10.2 Jaguar, CD's only - $15
OS X Server 10.2 Jaguar, Unlimited Client, boxed edition (w/box & documentation) CD w/ Admin Tools, Developer Tools and Applications CD's - $35 OS X 10.3 Panther, boxed edition (w/box & documentation) CD w/ Xcode Tools CD - $35 OS X 10.4 Tiger, boxed edition (w/box & documentation) DVD install only - $40

Apple Software
iLife '03, discs only, iTunes 3, iPhoto 2, iMovie 3, iDVD 3 on DVD, iTunes 3, iPhoto 2, iMovie 3 on CD - $25 iLife '04 boxed edition (w/box & documentation) DVD w/iPhoto 4, iMovie 4, iDVD 4, GarageBand 1.0 & iTunes 4.2 - CD w/iPhoto 4. iMovie 4, & iTunes 4.2 - $20 iLife '05 boxed edition (w/box & documentation) DVD w/iPhoto 5, iMovie HD, iDVD 5, GarageBand 2 & iTunes 4.7 - CD w/iPhoto 5. iMovie HD, & iTunes 4.7 - $25 iWork '05 boxed edition (w/box & documentation) DVD w/Pages & Keynote 2 - $25 Final Cut express 1.0, boxed edition (w/box & documentation) CD w/ Getting Started DVD - $25 FileMaker Pro 6 (EDU edition, doesn't seem to be any difference), boxed edition (w/box & documentation) CD - works with OS 8.6 and up including OS X - $25 AppleWorks 6.2, boxed edition (w/box & documentation) CD w/ PC and Mac installs - $25
ClarisWorks 5.0 CD only - $10
ClarisWorks 4.0 CD only plus ClarisWorks for Kids CD - $10
HyperCard, boxed edition (w/box & documentation), 800k floppies - $15
1993 TCP/IP Connection for Mac, boxed edition (w/box & documentation), single-user edition floppies - $15 Claris Power Package, boxed edition (w/box & documentation), FileMaker Pro 1, MacWrite II, MacDraw II floppies, large box. - $25 ClarisWorks 1.0 boxed edition (w/box & documentation), slightly torn (large) box - $15 MacWrite II, 1989, boxed edition (w/box & documentation), new sealed (large) box - $15 AppleShare 4.2.1 for PCI and NuBus PowerPC servers, CD & serial, Remote Access MultiPort Server serial - $10

Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Professional - EDU edition, sealed box. OS X, G3 required - says Academic ID required. - $10
Dantz Retrospect 3.0 sealed box - requires OS 7 - $10

Paypal preferred.
Keith Johnson, Antioch, IL 60002

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