Shipping will be added. All parts used yet in good condition, guaranteed 
operational unless specified otherwise.
Prices are flexible depending on total order size.

MacBook 13" white Bottom case with BT &SATA connectors          $49
MacBook 13" white Top case 2GHz palmrest & keyboard Assembly (2-inch lip 
fallen)        $69

MacBook 13" Black Display Assembly (left hinge broken)          $129
MacBook 13" 1.83GHz part set (fan, heatsink, Airport, speaker, screws)  $49

MacBook 13" DC-in board                 $35
MacBook 13" HD rubber tracks                    $10

MacBook 13" stiffeners                  $15
MacBook 13" RAM opening bracket (L shaped)              $15

MacBook 13" Airport                     $25
MacBook 13" iSight, cables & frame              $89

MacBook Pro 17" 2.4GHz motherboard & nVidia 8600GT (parts, untested)    $49
MacBook or MacBook Pro 15" Fan (left or right)          $25

MacBook 13" NEW LCD                     $109
MacBook original AC Charger 60W (perfect condition, barely any sign of wear)    

Mo Hammad
San Diego, CA 92117

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