I've accumulated too many printers around my home and office!

This one is a Lexmark Z43, including its power supply/cord and user manual. I don't have the disk for drivers, but they should be easy enough to download. There are Mac drivers for both Classic and OSX, I believe, and the printer has USB and parallel ports.

Unfortunately, I do not have any cartridges with ink to test output, and I'm not interested in buying any right now. The printer appears to power on, handle paper, shows up when connected to USB, etc. -- so my guess is that it works fine.

Rather than throw it out, I'd prefer to send this printer to a good home where it will get some use. If you're interested, all I'm asking for is the cost of shipping and paypal fees. (And you can skip the paypal fees if you mail me a check for the shipping cost.) I have it boxed up, it weighs 11 lbs., and I have daily UPS pickup at my office so that's probably the best and cheapest way to send it (though I'll look at the USPS alternatives too).

-John Nephew
Saint Paul, MN 55104

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