Some people swear by track balls. I've never really taken a liking to them over a well designed mouse. So up for sale here is one of the ultimate track balls.

Kensington Expert Mouse Pro. 5" x 7" x about 2.5" to top of ball. This unit has:

4 large buttons around the ball
A scroll wheel that also clicks
6, count 'em, six, numbered buttons across the top, with #1 having a Home icon.

Plugged this into my G5 and it was kind of recognized, but to be expected since I did not install the Kensington Mouseworks or TrackballWorks software on my work machine. Both of those are still available at:

When I plugged it in, my Mac running 10.4.11 saw it as a keyboard and asked me to start the keyboard recognition key presses. Since that would not work, I exited out and just used it as a regular mouse type device and it worked as to be expected. Scroll wheel, left and right click worked fine. The 6 buttons across the top were not recognized, but I am sure the Kensington software would take care of that.

$65 shipped anywhere the US mail considers domestic mail. This includes ALL STATES, territories, APOs, possessions and heck, I will even ship to that neglected, non-represented but taxed, occupied territory of Washington, DC for that price. International shipping available, email for quote.

Paypal strongly preferred, offers gladly considered.

Len Gerstel
Gaithersburg, MD 20877

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